龚尚庆 教授
1963年生于山东泰安,本科、硕士及博士分别毕业于山东大学物理系及中国科学院物理所。曾在中英交流基金及德国洪堡基金资助下两次出国留学。主要从事量子干调控原子及半导体纳米微结构材料动力学行为及其在量子信息过程中应用研究, 在Phys. Rev. Lett., Opt. Lett.及Phys. Rev. A、B&E等国际刊物上发表130余篇SCI收录论文(其中影响因子在JCR 二区以上的国际一流刊物50余篇),被国内外科学家SCI他人引用1300余篇次。
主持承担国家及上海市科研项目多项。其中1996年荣获第三届饶毓泰基础光学奖二等奖(个人奖),并在2006年终期评估中被评为“优秀”。2006年度分别荣获中国科学院研究生院“优秀教师”荣誉称号及中国科学院“优秀研究生”导师奖, 2007年获上海市优秀学科带头人项目资助,2010年荣获上海市自然科学一等奖(排第五)。曾任中国科学院上海光机所强场激光物理国家重点实验室副主任, 《激光与光电子学杂志》执行主编,任《光学学报》常务编委,《激光与光电子学杂志》副主编,《Chin.Opt.Lett.》Topic Editor。现为华东理工大学教授、博士导师。
已培养博士研究生18名,硕士4名。现有1名硕博连读博士生在读,1名博士生今年(2013)秋季入学,4名硕士在读, 2名硕士生今年(2013)秋季入学。其中多人次获得中国科学院的各种奖励, 包括1人次荣获中国科学院院长特别奖(2006年度),1人次获得中国科学院大恒光学特别奖(2008年度),2人次荣获中科院刘永龄特别奖(2004及2005年度),1人次获得首届中国科学院研究生院BHPBilliton奖学金(2005年度), 等等。
地址: 华东理工大学理学院312室, 上海梅陇路130号, 上海200237
电话: 021-64253504
Email: sqgong@ecust.edu.cn
附主要发表论文(影响因子在JCR 二区以上的国际一流刊物55篇):
1. Fengxue Zhou, Yihong Qi, Hui Sun, Dijun Chen, Jie Yang, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong, Electromagnetically induced grating in asymmetric quantum well, Opt. Express 21, 12251 (2013).
2. Jie Yang, Gongwei Lin, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong, Quantum entangling gates using the strong coupling between two optical emitters and nanowire surface plasmons, Opt. Express 21, 15618 (2013).
3. Hui Sun, Shuangli Fan, HongjunZhang, and Shangqing Gong, Tunneling-induced high efficiency four-wave mixing in an asymmetric quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 87, 235310 (2013).
4. Yang Xiang, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong, Proposal for isolated-attosecond-pulse generation in the multicycle regime through modulation of the carrier wave, Phys. Rev. A 85, 023808 (2012).
5. Sun Hui, Fan SL, FengXL, Wu CF, Shangqing Gong, Huang GX, C. H. Oh, Strongly Interaction Photons in Asymmetric Quantum Well via Resonant Tunneling, Opt. Express 20, 8845 (2012).
6. Yang Xiang, YuepingNiu, Hongmei Feng, Yihong Qi and Shangqing Gong, Coherent control of high-order harmonic generation by phase jump pulses, Opt. Express 20, 19289 (2012).
7. Yandong Peng, Yueping Niu, Lida Zhang, Aihong Yang, Lin Jiang, and Shangqing Gong, Enhanced optical precursors by Doppler effect via active Raman gain process, Opt. Lett. 37, 3333 (2012).
8. Yhong Qi, Fengxue Zhou, Ting Huang, Yueping Niu and Shangqing Gong, Spatial vector solitons in a four-level tripod-type atomic system, Phys. Rev. A 84, 023814(2011).
9. Luling Jin, Yueping Niu, Shangqing Gong, Phase control of spatial interference from two duplicated two-level atoms, Phys. Rev A 83, 023410 (2011).
10. Yandong Peng, Yueping Niu, Yihong Qi, Haifeng Yao, and Shangqing Gong, Optical precursors with tunneling-induced transparency in asymmetric quantum wells, Phys. Rev. A 83, 013812 (2011).
11. Ni Cui, Yang Xiang, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong, Coherent control of terahertz harmonic generation by a chirped few-cycle pulse in a quantum well, New. J Phys. 12, 013009 (2010).
12. Yihong Qi, Yueping Niu, Yang Xiang, Shiqi Jin and Shangqing Gong, Control of resonant weak-light solitons via a periodic modulated control field, Phys. Rev. E 82, 016602 (2010).
13. Yueping Niu, Yang Xiang, Yihong Qi and Shangqing Gong, Single attosecond pulse generation from multicycle nonlinear chirped pulses, Phys. Rev. A 80, 063818 (2009).
14. Hui Sun, Xunli Feng, Chunfeng Wu, Jinming Liu, Shangqing Gong, and C. H. Oh, Optical rotation of heavy hole spins by non-Abelian geometrical means, Phys. Rev. B 80, 235404 (2009).
15. Yang Xiang, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong, Above-threshold ionization by few-cycle nonlinear chirped pulses, Phys. Rev. A 80, 023423 (2009).
16. Fengxue Zhou, Yueping Niu and Shangqing Gong, Electromagnetically induced transparency in a three-level Lambda type system with permanent dipole moment, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 034105 (2009).
17. Yang Xiang, Yueping Niu, and Shangqing Gong, Control of the high-order harmonics cutoff through the combination of a chirped laser and static electric field, Phys. Rev. A 79, 053419 (2009).
18. Hui Sun, Xunli Feng, Shangqing Gong, and C. H. Oh, Giant cross-nonlinearity in carbon nanotube quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Rev. B 79, 193404 (2009).
19. Keyu Xia, Yueping Niu, Ni Cui, and Shangqing Gong, Ultrafast transient ring-shaped population grating, Phys. Rev. A 77, 013802 (2008).
20. Jun Qian, Yong Qian, Xun-Li Feng, Shi-Qi Jin and Shangqing Gong, Transmission spectrum of a double quantum-dot-nanocavity system in photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. A 023823 (2008). 77,
21. Yueping Niu, Keyu Xia, Ni Cui, Shangqing Gong, Ruxin Li, Spatiotemporal evolution and multiple self-focusing of ultrashort pulses in a resonant two-level medium, Phys. Rev. A 78, 063835 (2008).
22. Ni Cui, Yueping Niu, Hui Sun and Shangqing Gong, Self-induced transmission on intersubband resonance in multiple quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 78, 075323 (2008).
23. Jian Luo, Yueping Niu, Ni Cui, Hongjun Zhang, Shiqi Jin and SQ Gong, Linear chirp control of infrared signal in a biased semiconductor thin film, New J Phys. 10, 083018 (2008).
24. Yueping Niu, Ni Cui, Yang Xiang, Ruxin Li, Shangqing Gong and Zhizhan Xu, The effect of electric field maximum on the Rabi flopping and generated higher frequency spectra, New J Phys. 10, 103028 (2008).
25. Yang Weifeng, Song Xiaohong, Gong Shangqing, Cheng Ya, Xu Zhizhan, Carrier-envelope phase dependence of few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse propagation in a polar molecule medium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 133602 (2007).
26. Keyu Xia, Yueping Niu, Ruxin Li, Shiqi Jin, SQ Gong, Transient population and polarization gratings induced by (1+1)-D ultrashort dipole soliton, Phys. Rev. A 75, 053816 (2007).
27. Jun Qian, Yong Qian, Xunli Feng, Tao Yang, and Shangqing Gong, Generation and discrimination of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states using dipole-induced transparency in a cavity-waveguide system, Phys. Rev. A 75, 032309 (2007).
28. Xiaohong Song, Weifeng Yang, Shangqing Gong, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu, Polarization evolution of a few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse propagating in a degenerate three-level medium, Phys. Rev. A 76, 033827 (2007).
29. Hui Sun, Yueping Niu, Ruxin Li, Shiqi Jin, and Shangqing Gong, Tunneling-induced large corss-phase modulation in an asymmetric quantum well, Opt. Lett. 32, 2475 (2007).
30. Jingtao Zhang, Lihua Bai, Shangqing Gong, and Zhizhan Xu, A scaling law of photoionization in few-cycle regime, Opt. Express 15, 7261 (2007).
31. Hui Sun, Shangqing Gong, Yueping Niu, Shiqi Jin, Ruxin Li and Zhizhan Xu, Enhancing Kerr nonlinearity in an asymmetric double quantum well via Fano interference, Phys. Rev. B 74, 155314 (2006).
32. ChengPu LiuShangqing Gong, DongChao ChengAtom Localization via Interference of Dark Resonances, Phys. Rev. A 73, 025801 (2006)., XiJun Fan, and ZhiZhan Xu, ,
33. Yueping Niu and Shangqing Gong, Enhancing Kerr nonlinearity via spontaneously generated coherence, Phys. Rev. A 73, 053811(2006).
34. Xiaohong Song, Shangqing Gong, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu,Propagation of an arbitrary elliptically polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in resonant two-level quantum systems,Phys. Rev. A74, 015802 (2006).
35. Weifeng Yang, Shangqing Gong, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu, Coherent population accumulations of multiphoton transitions induced by an ultrashort pulse train in polar molecules, Phys. Rev. A74, 013407 (2006).
36. Weifeng Yang, Shangqing Gong, and Zhizhan Xu, Enhancement of ultrafast four-wave mixing in a polar molecule medium, Opt. Express14, 7216 (2006) .
37. YuePing Niu, RuXin Li, and Shangqing Gong, High Efficiency Four-wave Mixing Induced by Double-dark Resonances in a Five-level Tripod System, Phys. Rev. A 71, 043819 (2005).
38. XiaoHong Song, Shangqing Gong, RuXin Li, and ZhiZhan Xu, Effect of Time-dependent Ionization on the Propagation of Few-cycle Laser Pulse in a Two-level Medium, Phys. Rev. A72, 043820 (2005).
39. Jun Qian, XunLi Feng, and Shangqing Gong, Universal Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-state Analyzer Based on Two-photon Polarization Parity Detection, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052308 (2005).
40. YuePing Niu, Shangqing Gong, RuXin Li, and XiaoYan Liang, Giant Kerr Nonlinearity Induced by Interacting Dark Resonances, Opt. Lett. 30, 3371 (2005).
41. KeYu Xia, Shangqing Gong, ChengPu Liu, XiaoHong Song, and YuePing Niu, Near Dipole-dipole Effects on the Propagation of Few-cycle Pulse in a Dense Two-level Medium, Opt. Express 13, 5913 (2005).
42. XiaoHong Song, Shangqing Gong, ShiQi Jin, and ZhiZhan Xu, Formation of Higher Spectral Components in a Two-level Medium Driven by Two-color Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Phys. Rev. A 69, 015801 (2004).
43. ShiQi Jin, Shangqing Gong, RuXin Li, and ZhiZhan Xu, Coherent Population Transfer and Superposition of Atomic States Using a Double-excited Four-level Atom, Phys. Rev. A 69, 023408 (2004).
44. ChengPu Liu, Shangqing Gong, RuXin Li, and ZhiZhan Xu, Coherent Control in the Generation of Harmonics and Hyper-Raman Lines from a Strongly Driven Two-level Atom, Phys. Rev. A 69, 023406 (2004).
45. YuePing Niu, Shangqing Gong, RuXin Li, and ShiQi Jin, Creation of Atomic Coherent Superposition States via the Technique of Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage Using a L-type System with a Manifold of Levels, Phys. Rev. A 70, 023805 (2004).
46. XiaoHong Song, Shangqing Gong, WeiFeng Yang, and ZhiZhan Xu, Propagation of an Attosecond Pulse in a Dense Two-level Medium, Phys. Rev. A 70, 013817 (2004).
47. XunLi Feng, ZhiMing Zhang, XiangDong Li, Shangqing Gong, and ZhiZhan Xu, Entangling Distant Atoms by Interference of Porlarized Photons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 217902 (2003).
48. DongHai Feng, ZhiZhan Xu, TianQing Jia, XiaoXi Li and Shangqing Gong, Quantum Size Effects on Excitation States in Indirect-gap Quantum Dots, Phys. Rev. B68, 035334 (2003).
49. M.Fleischhauer and Shangqing Gong, Stationary Source of Nonclassical or Entangled Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 070404 (2002).
50. Chuanfu Cheng, Shuyuan Teng, Man Liu, Shangqing Gong, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu, Extraction of height-height correlation function of random surfaces, App. Phys. Lett. 81, 4544 (2002).
51. Zhong-yang Wang, Xun-li Feng, Shang-qing Gong and Zhi-zhan Xu, Atomic-state teleportation by using a quantum switch, Phys. Rev. A 63, 062308 (2001).
52. Shangqing Gong, Huaguo Teng and Zhizhan Xu, Change from an inversion laser to a noninversion laser due to a phase-fluctuation effect, Phys. Rev. A 52, 4787 (1995).
53. Shangqing Gong, Huaguo Teng and Zhizhan Xu, Lasing without inversion in a simple three-level atomic system, Phys. Rev. A 51, 3382 (1995).
54. Shangqing Gong, Shaohua Pan and Guozhen Yang, Stability analyses for an optical bistable dye system, Phys. Rev. A 47, 2205 (1993).
55. Shangqing,Gong, Shaohua Pan and Guozhen Yang, Optical bistability in a dye-ring cavity, Phys. Rev. A 45, 6655 (1992).